Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back To School

Hello Everyone,
So as I'm sure most of you know its back to school time here in the US. I myself am now back at university and having to get adjusted to a new campus. For those of you who may be just starting college, or starting high school, or even middle school it can be an exciting yet scary time. Trust me I've been there many times, but you're not alone there are plenty of others who are in the same position as you. Now I've got some tips for you to help you make the most of your new experiences.

  1. On that first day dress your best, because when you look your best you feel your best and that will make you more confident to make new friends.
  2. Always have a smile, because that will help you seem more approachable to others and meeting people will be easy.
  3. Make sure you're prepared for that first day, and by that I mean have all the supplies you'll need for  that day. Some of the things I like to carry with me includes...
    • Binders or notebooks (whichever you prefer)
    • Pens and pencils (I like to carry both)
    • Highlighters (at least one, I carry them all because I like to color code my notes)
    • A case of some sort to put your pens, pencils, and highlighters in.
    • White out (for those times when you do write in pen)
    • A mini stapler (because that will always come in handy)
    • An Agenda is always good to keep around (so you can write down your assignments and when tests and quizzes are) 
    • And of course a backpack or tote bag to store all of your supplies in (I got mine at Target)
  4. Also on that first day it never hurts to bring some of your makeup with you (if you wear makeup that is) because more than likely you will have to endure P.E. or Gym. And if you have those you'll want to touch up your makeup after that class. Some of the products I carried with me were...
    • My powder foundation
    • A tube of liquid concealer
    • Some mascara (Maybelline the Falsies is the favorite)
    • Chapstick (which I feel is always a necessity)
    • And some form of lip gloss or lipstick depending on your preference
  5. Another thing to bring with you for P.E is deodorant, because after exercising you need to deodorize yourself. Also you can always bring along a mini body spray to use after Gym as well and that will have you smelling good as you leave the locker room.
  6. For all those girls out there with long hair, make sure you bring a hair tie with you because I know from experience that some days your hair is on your last nerve. So bring that for those days and just put your hair up and you'll be good to go.
  7.     Make sure that you get plenty of sleep at night too, because the worst thing it to be falling asleep in your first period call and to be called out by the teacher because that would be embarrassing.
  8. Be sure to bring a water bottle with you because you don't want to get dehydrated throughout the day. Staying hydrated is important because it helps you to be in a better mood and pay more attention.
  9. Now during your first class of the day you are bound to meet someone new or see old friends from previous schools, and if y'all hit it off as friends I would suggest making a plan to sit together at lunch so that you don't have to wander aimlessly to find a place to eat. At least that's always worked for me. Now if you don't know anyone and you are shy around other people hopefully you'll meet someone in the classes leading up to your lunch time. 
  10. And Finally just be open to meeting and talking to new people. You've started a new and exciting chapter of your lives, so don't freak out and get prepared. If you use any of these tips I'm sure you'll have a great year! 
I could go on and on for days about all the things I did in school to embarrass myself but one good thing is that I learned these little tidbits of information that I am now sharing with you. If you need anymore tips or advice about school I will be more than happy to talk to y'all about it. Until next time I love you all, Bye :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

30 Things About Me

Hello everyone, to start my blog off I figured I would let you know a little bit about me.
1. I sleep all the time, because I am constantly tired.
2. I never match my socks.
3. I am addicted to caffeine, all of the people close to me know never to talk to me in the morning unless I've had my coffee.
4. I've been singing since I was 3, and I can be found singing almost all of the time.
5. I'm incredibly outgoing, and can talk to almost anyone.
6. I hate awkward situations/conversations, and try to avoid them at all costs.
7. I am one of the weirdest people on the planet, honestly I'm surprised I have friends sometimes.
8. I am forever changing the color of my hair.
9. I hate cold weather, I am instantly in a bad mood when it's cold outside.
10. I am never tan, I am so pale that I get a sunburn even thinking about the sun.
11. I absolutely hate chocolate, even the smell makes me sick. (Yes I know, I'm a weirdo)
12. I love to bake and cook.
13. I hate rain and snow, pretty much any moisture from the sky.
14. I own a ridiculous amount of shoes
15. I want to move to the UK
16. I am an organized hoarder as my roommates say.
17. I can't leave my house without my makeup done.
18. I've always wanted to be pop star
19. I love cruising around at night during the summertime.
20. I love to watch crime shows on television.
21. I have never been outside of the US, but I hope to change that soon.
22. I'm a total klutz and have broken or sprained every bone in my body, and I bruise like a peach.
23. I'm the tallest member of my family.
24. I'm a very honest person.
25. I feel like I need my own reality TV show because some of the things I say or do need to be shared with the world so they can laugh along with me and my friends.
26. I don't swim, I know how to swim but I just don't.
27. I am deathly afraid of moths.
28. I'm a Harry Potter fanatic
29. I am constantly procrastinating my school work.
30. I may look intimidation to some people but I'm actually a really nice person once you get to know me.

Well there you have it, 30 little fun facts about me. If you read this and would like to tell me 30 facts about you I would love to read them! Thank you for reading! xoxo