Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day Eighty Seven and Eighty Eight: 28 and 29 March 2015

Hello everyone!

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend! I’m sure you all had a better one than me.
I don’t know what’s been wrong with me, the past few days but it is really affecting my mood. I have just been in an awful mood the last few days and everything just keeps making it worse. No matter what I do I just can’t shake how I feel. It’s not like anything happened either, on Saturday I went to Zumba like normal and I danced my butt off but before I even went to Zumba I woke up in an awful mood. I slept just fine and I got plenty of sleep, so I don’t know why I woke up so gross. After Zumba I took a nice shower and got all snuggled up on my couch and watched the rest of season one and all do season two of House of Cards. I didn’t have anything else to do, and all day I was just in an awful mood. I wasn’t happy at all, I was being rude to my parents unintentionally, and I had no desire to do anything. I used to feel like this all the time before I got put on anti-depressants but for some reason this weekend made me feel like I wasn’t on medication at all. Maybe it’s the stress of the week getting to me or maybe the medication is losing effect and I need a higher dosage. I don’t know but I can’t handle any more days like this. On top of my awful mood I have had a ridiculous headache all weekend long too. It was just not meant to be a good weekend. Another thing that contributed to my bad mood was the text message I got from one of my friends from school about housing next year and that residence life still hasn’t fixed their mistake about my room next year. After that message I emailed the woman in charge yet again to let her know the problem was still a problem and I already made plans to go see her tomorrow and I’m not going to leave until I have my answers. There is no reason I shouldn’t be in the room I signed up for, I paid all my money and the other girls I signed up with are in the room we signed up for so I don’t know why I’m not in there with them. Pretty much after that my mood hit rock bottom and nothing was going to change it. I went to bed early that night and fell asleep after watching the last episode of season two of House of Cards.

Then today when I woke up I woke up in a slightly better mood than the day before but I still feel bad for no reason. My headache still will not go away no matter what I do, but I had plans today and I wasn’t going to let it stop me. I went to see the Divergent Series: Insurgent today with my mom and it was a really good movie but compared to the book there were a lot of things that were different. However I did enjoy myself and I’m impatiently waiting for the third movie to come out, so I can see where they take it. With the amount of differences in the movie from the book I’m interested to see what they do with the next movie because they are going to have to change a lot of things around. After the movie I made my way to Starbucks to get my Sunday treat to myself before making my way back to school like I always do. When I got back to school I ate some soup my mom got me from Panera Bread and before unpacking my bag. After I unpacked I went out into the living room and watched the end of a Disney movie with my roommates while telling them all about Insurgent, even though they have never even seen Divergent they still listened to me anyway. In about 30 minutes my TV shows are going to come on first I’m going to watch Once Upon A Time, then Secrets and Lies, and then finally The Royals. I can’t decide which one I’m more excited for, so I will just have to see what happens!

I hope tomorrow will be a better day, but I don’t know. I hope you all have a better Monday than I will have, and I will be sure to tell you all about my day.

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Friday, March 27, 2015

Day Eighty Five and Eighty Six: 26 and 27 March 2015

Hey there everyone!

Thank God It’s Friday, I am in a serious need of some relaxation. I can already tell that I am going to have to take a nap tomorrow… it’s been a tiring week and I’m so glad that it’s over with. Time for some Netflix and a few glasses of wine. Let me start with Thursday…

Oh Thursday, it was the day after my induction ceremony and the stress of the day finally caught up with me. It took me a little while but it finally hit me how hurt I am that my sister literally said nothing to me. She fundamentally ruined my entire day, and at this point I don’t even want her to come to any more of my functions including my graduation. I refuse to let her ruin any more of my special nights. Other than that Thursday was a usual day and I went to class and I went to work. After work was done I spent all of my night studying for a major essay test I had Friday. Literally that is all I did yesterday because I was so stressed over this test. After studying for hours and hours I finally made my way to bed and even then I still didn’t go to sleep and spent a few more hours studying before finally passing out.

Today however, was a very eventful day. The morning went as it always does, and I spent my lunchtime studying for my test. Then at 1pm I sailed through my test with little difficulty and I was on my way home. As soon as I got off the interstate my gas light came on and I pulled into a 7-11 to get some gas for my car. When I got to the pump, I got out of my car and instinctively I locked my door and shut the door. When I did this I locked my phone and my keys inside. Once I realized what happened I wanted to die, so I ran inside to ask if they had a phone I could call my mom to get me the spare key for my car. They gave me a phone to use and I made the call. While I waited for my mom to arrive I walked around the shop and while I was awkwardly standing in an aisle a random guy came up to me. This random guy said hello to me and introduced himself as Eric and asked my name so I told him. Then he asked where I was from and I told him I was from the area, not getting too specific. Then he proceeded to ask me if I was married and sensing that he wouldn’t leave me alone if I said I was single I lied and told him that I was engaged. I didn’t see any other solution, I shoved my hand in my pocket so he wouldn’t be able to see the lack of engagement ring. He then told me that all the pretty ones are always engaged or married. I just smiled and he told me to have a nice day and I told him the same. Not too long after that my mom arrived and saved the day, I got to open my car and pay for my gas. After that whole ordeal was over I made my way home and I have been on my couch ever since because my friend has me hooked on a show that I can watch on Netflix called House of Cards. I’ve watched almost all of season 1 today and I realize that this may be a problem but I don’t care. So far it’s an amazing show, and I’m really enjoying it. However I do think I will being going to bed soon because I have to be up early in the morning for Zumba!!

I hope you all have a wonderful night! And I will talk to you again soon!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day Eighty Three and Eighty Four: 24 and 25 March 2015

Hello awesome people,

I hope y’all have had a good week so far, sorry I didn’t post last night but I was exhausted and I had a lot of homework that needed to get done! So this post will be about Tuesday and Wednesday, and tomorrow I will post about Thursday and Friday. Without further delay let’s get too it.

Tuesday was a fairly laid back day, I didn’t have any classes because it was advising day here at school. Probably a good thing I didn’t have class or I would’ve been a zombie because I was up really late skyping a very good friend of mine. He and I stayed on the phone/computer/ipad until 6am when we both finally started to pass out. My appointment with my adviser was at 10:30 so I didn’t get as much sleep as I needed but I powered through the lack of sleep. When I got to my appointment I had to wait a little bit because she was meeting with another student. I used that time to talk to her secretary who is a very nice woman and we talked about a variety of topics and she told me about her dad and his love of cake. It was great hearing her stories. After she finished talking about her dad and his love of cake my advisor was ready for me. During my appointment she gave me a list of all of the classes I needed to graduate and I could’ve literally cried right there because she planned out my last two semesters and I only have to take 15 credits my last two semesters. I have been taking 18-20 the last few semesters and I was so excited about only have 5 classes. I thought I was going to have to take more than that and I couldn’t contain my joy, as soon as I left my appointment I had to call my mom and tell her the good news! Once I got off the phone with my mom I made my way back to my apartment and I had only a little bit of time before I had to go to work at 1. So I spent my time hanging out with my roommates, and then I went to work and Sarah joined me and we just hung out and talked for the 2 hours I was stuck at work. Then after work it was time for me to get my homework done. I sat down at my computer and I attempted to do my work but I ended up almost falling asleep on my computer before Sarah woke me up and told me to go to bed and take a nap. I just nodded and propelled myself onto my bed where I collapsed almost immediately and fell asleep for 2 hours. It was a glorious nap and I hadn’t of taken it I’m pretty sure I would’ve died. After my nap I felt much better and I made myself some dinner before taking a nice long hot shower. Once all of that was done I finally got started on my homework. I ended up doing homework for hours, and I even did some during commercials the while I was watching 19 Kids and Counting with Sarah. Thankfully by midnight I was done and I could go back to bed, and it didn’t take long for me to pass out again.

Then on Wednesday I had all of my classes as usual, and I ended up going to a lecture about budgeting and finance that was optional for all students. I learned a lot and hopefully I will remember those things when I graduate from university. After that I made my way to lunch with Sarah and then I went to class. The only different about this Wednesday was that instead of going to work I met my family at Applebee’s for dinner because I was getting inducted into the business honor society at school, and they all came down to watch the ceremony. My family was running late as usual so Sarah and I got to the restaurant way before they did so we ordered ourselves some margaritas and an appetizer and waited for them. We were just finishing our chicken wings when the showed up. It wasn’t just my mom and dad, but my sister her husband and daughter along with my grandmother showed up. It was a lot of people, and my sister as usual was rude to me and we barely spoke to each other. Honestly I have no idea why she even came in the first place. Before everyone was done with dinner I had to head out because I had to be at the venue early because I was being inducted. Sarah saved everyone seats and I got to sit in the front row. The ceremony was fairly quick and we were done with all the recognitions and awards after an hour. There was a small reception afterwards and they had cake and water for those who wanted it. During that time we took pictures and I introduced my mom to my advisor who is also the dean on the business school, and a few of my professors. Overall it was a good event, then after that my family left and Sarah and I went back to our apartment. We made it back with plenty of time before Supernatural was coming on! We watched the new episode while we ate on our left over food from dinner and I refused to do any homework during then. After wards however I still had to work on part one of a big project I’ve been working on. Luckily I got it done and turned in before midnight and then it was bed time because after those two days I was exhausted!

I hope y’all have a great rest of the week!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Monday, March 23, 2015

Day Eighty One and Eighty Two: 22 and 23 March 2015

Hello Wonderful People,

I hope Monday has been treating you well, my day is about halfway over and I can’t wait to go back to my apartment and get snuggled up in my bed. I’m tried and I don’t have class tomorrow so I can sleep all I want in the morning! I will talk more about that in a moment, first let’s talk about yesterday.

Sunday, was an uneventful day. I woke up an hour later than I wanted too, so I was rushed to get ready in time to go to the movies with my mom, dad, and my niece. We had decided late Saturday night that we would go to the movies because I really wanted to see Cinderella and my dad was already taking my niece, Mackenzie, to see it. So I rushed to get myself ready and packed because I was going to be heading back to school after the movie as well. To save time I straightened my hair instead of curling it so I could spend the excess amount of time on my makeup. I did a natural brown smoky eye and I lined my lower lash line with a bright blue eyeshadow in honor of Cinderella. By the time my makeup was done my mom had gotten home and it was time to rush to the movie, I didn’t even get the chance to eat lunch before we left. We got to the movie with more than enough time, and we went to the concession stand to get some drinks and something to eat so none of us would pass out. With mom and I being on diets our options were limited, we decided on large soft pretzels each because they were only 480 calories. Once we got our food and drinks we made our way to the theater and got our seats all the way up in the very last row in the middle. Once seated we got comfortable and waited for the movie to start! Disney had a little short film called Frozen Fever that came on before Cinderella and it was absolutely adorable! I couldn’t handle it, I literally thought I was going to die from cuteness overload. Then after that the movie started, and I was a little girl again for 2 hours. The movie was absolutely amazing, and I was so happy when I walked out of the theater. They did such a good job bringing it to life and I want to see it again! After the movie we went back home and I loaded up my car to head back to school. When I was back in my apartment I unpacked and looked through all of my classes to see if I had homework and of course I did. I had a group presentation due at 1pm on Monday and I quickly emailed my group members and the only one who got back to me was away on a trip with a school organization and wouldn’t be back until at least 2am. I was stuck doing the entire presentation alone and I quickly put something together and turned it in because I wasn’t going to get a bad grade because everyone else was incapable of emailing me back. After that I didn’t have any more homework to do, so I was able to sit back and relax and watch my Sunday night shows which consist of Once Upon A Time, Secrets and Lies, and The Royals. Once my shows were over I got myself ready for bed, and read a book as I slowly fell asleep.

Today I woke up at my usual time and went to all of my classes as usual. Then after class I went to work and I was able to see my friend Courtney who was away all last week and I hadn’t gotten the chance to fill her in on my life so I spent most of my time at working gossiping with her. Then we went to dinner with Sarah, and our other friend Leanne who is also one of my roommates. We spent most of dinner laughing and having a great time, but when I got back to my apartment was when my day got exciting. When I got out of my car I was greeted by a dog who had no owner around. She had a collar on so I knew she belonged to someone, and she was out in the street and I was nervous she would get hurt so I watched over her while we waited for public safety to come and get her to take her to the shelter so her owner could claim her.  She was so sweet and I wanted to keep her. While we waited for public safety we fed her some left over chicken and gave her some water and she just wagged her tail and had a great time with us and then finally she made her way home. I sure hope her owners find her because she was just the sweetest thing. While I watching after her I named her Honey because I needed something to call her and her fur was a golden honey color and it just fit so perfectly. After that I finally got into my apartment and I washed my hands of all of the chicken juice and I proceeded to craft a canvas with one of the quotes from Cinderella on it. It is Cinderella blue and says “Have Courage & Be Kind”, and that is one of the main themes of the movie and if you see it you’ll know what I’m talking about. There wasn’t much to do after that so now I am laying in Sarah’s room and waiting for my friend to Skype me. I don’t have class tomorrow because its advising day so I get to sleep in and I can’t wait since normally on Tuesdays I wake up at 5:45, so tomorrow will be a nice change.

I will fill you in on tomorrow later! I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day Seventy Nine and Eighty: 20 and 21 March 2015

Hey all you wonderful people!

I hope you've been having a great weekend so far! Not much has happened in mine so it's been nice.

On Friday I woke up at my usual time of 7:45 am and got myself together for the day. Then I made Sarah and myself some caramel lattes before making my way to my 10 am class. I had a test in that class and it took me all of 10 minutes to finish it. Then I was out the door and back in my apartment, and I decided to make myself some brunch. I chopped up some of the left over pork chops from the night before and then I whisked up some eggs and I cooked them together in a frying pan. Then once they were done I put it all in a bowl and added a little ranch dressing. And let me tell you it was freaking delicious! Once I was finished I was sad because I wanted more! After my brunch I finished packing for the weekend and that didn't take me too long. After that I laid down on my bed and decided to do some reading. I started reading the book by Steve Harvey called Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. So far it is really good and it makes a lot of sense, I'm excited to read more of it. While I was reading I fell asleep and took a little cat nap before having to go to class at 1. Once in class I couldn't pay attention because my professor is so boring! I just played on my phone for the 50 minute class. Thankfully class went by quickly and before I knew it I was on my way home for the weekend. Once I got into town I made my way to Ulta and picked up a few items that I was running low on. Then I made my way home, I got comfortable in my couch and watched some tv before I fell asleep again. I was really tired yesterday and I slept for a few hours before my mom woke me up for dinner. After dinner we watched some movies and then we all went to bed early because I was still exhausted.

Then this morning I woke up early to go to Zumba with my mom at 9. Then after Zumba I took a well-deserved shower and watched The Royals on E! While I waited for my hair to dry. I also ate some pizza for lunch during the show. Then after the show was over around 2 I started getting myself together for the day. I did my hair and makeup and I was all done by 4:30. I made my way back downstairs and watched some Disney movies while I waited for my mom to get home because tonight my parents were celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary and they took me out to dinner with them. Once she got home she changed her clothes and my dad get himself ready as well. Then we all loaded in the car and drove down the road to Yukihana which is a hibachi grill. It was delicious and I stuffed my face and it was totally worth it. After dinner we went to Sweet Frogs because who doesn't like frozen yogurt after Japanese food! Now we are sitting on the couch watching more Disney movies and drinking wine. A great way to end the day!

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! I will talk y'all later!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day Seventy Seven and Seventy Eight: 18 and 19 March 2015

Hey Y’all!

I hope you have had a wonderful Wednesday and Thursday! This week just seems to have flown by, it doesn’t feel like tomorrow is Friday! Summer is another week closer and then I will officially be a senior in college! I’m so excited, I won’t know what to do with myself! Although the end of the semester does signal a few different things for me, school will be over so I will have to start working everyday again, I have to move back in with my parents for the summer, and saddest of all Sarah will be graduating and most likely moving to Wilmington, NC which is 3 hours away from me! So school ending this year will be bittersweet. Enough of that for now and let’s talk about the last two days.

Yesterday, was a fairly boring day… I spent most of my day working on a 5 page paper that was due by 7:30 this morning. I had to watch a 5 part YouTube video and take notes on it so that I would be able to do the paper correctly, and it was a major struggle.  While I was watching part 4 of the videos I fell asleep because I was exhausted and I didn’t wake up until it was time for me to go to work at 3:50. I grabbed my laptop and booked it down the stairs so I wouldn’t be late. While I was at work I finished watching the videos and started typing my paper. Then I worked on it for a few hours before I was off work at 6. Then when I got back to the apartment I made myself some dinner before grabbing a quick shower. After that I spent another few hours working on my paper because I wanted to get it over with. However at 9pm the new episode of Supernatural came on so I took a break to watch that with Sarah. Then after the episode I put my writing cap on and finished my paper by 12:30, however even after I was done I was wide awake so it took me forever to get to sleep. This brings me to today…

This morning when my alarm clock went off, I completely ignored it and kept right on sleeping. Then when I did finally wake up there was no time for me to get myself ready to make it to my first class. So I skipped my first class this morning and I don’t regret my decision. I would have been dead to the world if I had gotten up at 5:45 like I usually do on Thursdays. So I took my time getting ready this morning since I wasn’t going to the first class. I straightened my hair instead of curling it because I wanted to do something a little different then for my makeup I did something more subtle and natural looking. It turned out very pretty, I used a pale white color on my lid and blended a light matte brown on the outer corner before adding a shimmery brown in my crease. It created a very pretty natural look that was perfect for how I was feeling today. By the time I was ready for the day it was time for me to go to class. I went to my other two classes and then I made my way to work where I had nothing to do so I spent 2 hours playing solitaire on my laptop. After work I ran to the store with Sarah so we could get ingredients for dinner tonight. I am going to be making parmesan crusted pork chops with rice and broccoli, I’m really excited about it because this is one of my favorite dishes. Then after dinner we are going to drink some wine and watch some movies since neither of us have any more homework to do! Overall it shall be a very relaxing evening!

Well I’ve got to go and make dinner, I hope y’all have a wonderful Friday!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day Seventy Five and Seventy Six: 16 and 17 March 2015

Top of the Evening to you all! And Happy St. Patty’s Day!

As you may not know I am at least 1/3 Irish so St. Patrick’s Day is always a fun day for me. I love all of the green and watching people get all dressed up and drink way too much green beer is always super fun to see. Plus I hardly ever wear green, but I tell people that if you pinch an Irish person on St. Patrick’s Day then you get punched, and that is exactly what I do. This year however wasn’t as fun as previous years, but I will get to that in a minute.

Yesterday was the first Monday back after Spring Break, and it was a tough day to get through… I had three classes, work, and grocery shopping to do. I started off my morning as I usually do by waking up earlier than my body would like and then making myself look presentable for 2 hours. Between all of the zoning out and playing on my phone it normally takes that long even though it should only take me an hour… So once I was done I made my way to my first class of the day all while texting the guy I really like. I’m not going to go into much detail here because I want it to be kept private for now. After that class was over I came back to my apartment and I messed around on my computer for about an hour before it was time to meet Sarah for lunch like I do every day. We had a good lunch and talked about our plans for later on that evening. Then I had two classes that were extremely boring and I barely paid attention… I know I’m a bad student sometimes… but my grades make up for my lack in attention. After classes I went to work for a few hours and got my homework done so I wouldn’t have to worry about it later. Then once I was done with work I went with Sarah to the grocery store because we were seriously lacking in the food department. I got pizzas, healthy rice meals, some yogurt, sugar, and coffee creamer. Then we managed to bring everything upstairs in one trip, and right before I went to take a shower I popped a pizza into the oven for dinner because I was starving! I took a quick shower and I was done before the pizza was out of the oven! I sliced up the pizza and the devoured about half of it because I had hardly eaten anything all day, then after dinner I curled Sarah’s hair while we watched movies. Overall it wasn’t a bad Monday.

Then there was today, good ole St. Patrick’s Day. Today was a better Tuesday than most because my 8am class was cancelled so I was able to sleep a little later than usual. I had a lot of extra time to get ready this morning and it gave me time to do Sarah’s makeup because today she got inducted into an honor society at school. I was able to slowly get ready and drink my coffee before having to go to my class at 9:30, and today was really warm outside so I was able to wear a short sleeve shirt and sandals! It was really exciting! On my way to my first class of the time I was reminded by my timehop app about what I was doing on this day last year, and it made me sad because this time last year I had an amazing boyfriend and we were going out and celebrating being together for 6 months. It really showed me how much can change in a short amount of time, but it’s alright, everything happens for a reason. After that my classes flew by and before I knew it I was sitting at work playing games on my computer. While at work one of my friends, Courtney, used my computer to create a resume for her and I played on my phone because I nothing else to do. Then 4pm Sarah had her induction ceremony so I made my way across campus to be there for her, because that’s what best friends are for! Once the ceremony was over we hung out with her mom and her grandparents who had also come to the event for a little while before we made our way back to the apartment to have some dinner. Then we did homework and ate our dinner before the rest of our roommates came back to the apartment. Then we watched them play Disney Trivia which was really entertaining, but the best part was when we got out the Harry Potter Scene It game and we played two games and I dominated both of them with no trouble at all. I’m a bit of a Harry Potter nerd so playing that game is a piece of cake for me! Then after that they didn’t want to play with me anymore so Sarah and I settled in to watch 19 Kids and Counting and Our Little Family, which are our normal Tuesday night shows. Once those were over we all got ready for bed because let’s face it after waking up at 5:30 in the morning it’s hard to not fall asleep around 10pm!

I hope y’all have had a great St. Patrick’s Day, and now it’s time for me to go to bed before I pass out in my desk chair!

Thank y’all so much for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day Seventy Three and Seventy Four: 14 and 15 March 2015

Hello Wonderful People, 

I trust y’all had a wonderful weekend, I know that mine wasn’t too awful. My weekend consisted of watching movies with my mom and dad and coming back to school!

Saturday was a good day, I went to Zumba that morning with my mom and sister. We danced our butts off and then afterwards my sister gave me a homemade power muffin, which was a whole grain oatmeal yogurt blueberry muffin. It was a lot to say but it was really good and it hit the spot after working out for an hour. Then after that I went home and took a well-deserved shower and decided that since I was going back to school the next day I was going to do my laundry. I hadn’t done laundry in a while so I figured that there was no better time then while I was at home. After my shower I gathered all of clothes and made my way downstairs to sort my clothes into different piles. Once they were sorted I started my first load and started up my computer to watch season 10 of Supernatural. And that’s all I did, all day. I got all of my laundry done and finished watching the Supernatural series and now I am all caught up on what’s going on and Sarah told me I can officially join the Supernatural fan club since I have now seen every episode in order. After all of that was done I got hungry and since my mom wasn’t home I cooked dinner for the family, I made grilled chicken quesadillas and they were delicious. After dinner we all sat down on the couch and I had a glass of wine and we watched “The Other Woman” which is my favorite movie right now. Then the guy I like called me and we talked on the phone for 3.5 hours and we laughed and I was so happy and constantly smiling. I made him go to bed because he had to get up for work in the morning or we probably would’ve talked longer. I went to bed shortly after we said our goodbyes, and I had many sweet dreams of him.

Then today I slept in a little because spring break was ending and I didn’t know when I would be able to sleep in again. When I got up I was in an awesome mood so I decided I wanted to go all out on my hair and makeup. I curled my hair like usual and made it all fancy looking. Then for my makeup I did a brown and bronze smoky eye using my Too Faced Cat Eye’s palette. Then once I was ready for the day I packed all of my stuff and brought it all downstairs. By that time my mom and dad were home and we decided to eat dinner early that way I could eat with them since I had to leave around 4 to head back to school. We made sirloin steaks, roasted potatoes, and a salad. It was delicious, and it kept me full for a very long time. After dinner I packed up my car and grabbed some Starbucks before heading down the road to school. After an hour and half long drive I arrived at school in time for one of my friends to walk by and he helped me carry my belongings up the three flights of stairs to my apartment. Once inside I unpacked all of my stuff and hung out with Sarah and PJ, before we watched Once Upon A Time at 8pm. I did some homework afterwards and watched a movie with Sarah to end the night!

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day Seventy One and Seventy Two: 12 and 13 March 2015

Hello Everyone!

So I’m sorry for being so late with this post but it’s been a busy few days!

So on Thursday I had to wake up super early because I had to go get a cavity filled at 9am. I woke up earlier than I would’ve liked too and curled my hair like normally do, I wanted to get it out of the way that way I wouldn’t have to do it later that day. I finished my hair and before I left to go to the dentist again I took some advil to prepare myself for the havoc my dentist was going to wreak on my mouth. Once I got to the dentist they got to work on my mouth and I was in and out in 25 minutes. After my appointment I made my way back home and I proceeded to sit on my couch as the numbing on my cheek started to wear off and watched season 9 of Supernatural. After a few hours I could feel the pain in my cheek and it was time for me to get my makeup on because I was picking my niece up from school. I did my makeup and used my new Urban Decay Shadow Box palette and was ready in time to drive across town to pick Mackenzie up from school. After I picked her up I decided to give her a little treat and we went to Sweet Frog to get some frozen yogurt. It was so good to see her because with me being off at school I don’t get to see her a lot, so when I do I like to take her out for a little aunt/niece bonding time. Needless to say she really enjoyed herself. Then after that I had to have her do her homework because she is 9 after all and I sat there and helped her with all of her subjects. Then I had to take her home because she had a Girl Scout meeting to go to, and I had to get ready for Zumba class. I dropped her off and while I was at my sister’s house she invited me over for dinner after Zumba later on that evening. I agreed and headed back to my house so that I could change for class. I did an hour of Zumba and then went over Anneliese’s house for dinner and she made chicken Caesar pasta salad which was really delicious and definitely hit the spot after the workout. I hung out for about an hour which was long enough to say goodnight to Mackenzie and grab some Girl Scout cookies for my dad. Then I came back home and went right to my bed and watched some more Supernatural before passing out.

Then on Friday I didn’t move out of my bed for a few hours after I woke up and just watched Netflix on my laptop until I got hungry and needed to get food from the kitchen. I got myself some lunch and then decided to watch Netflix from my couch for the rest of the day. Then my mom came home and told me I was going to dinner with my grandmother, so I had to make myself look presentable since I was looking like a wreck. I did my hair and makeup as quick as I could and my mom and I met my grandmother at olive garden. I got my usual delicious chicken and mashed potatoes with a large glass of wine. After that I spent the evening in my bed finishing the Supernatural series and texting some of my friends.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day Sixty Nine and Seventy: 10 and 11 March 2015

Hello Wonderful People,

I want to start this post with a question, do y’all believe in Karma? Because I’m starting to… The other day I was on the phone with a very close friend of mine and I made fun of him for having the sniffles because he is always sick with something. And the next morning I woke up with so much congestion I thought my head was going to explode… Now I can barely breathe through my nose and I sound gross and no amount of cold medicine is helping me. I’m pretty sure my current condition is because of the weather but I can’t help but think that Karma had something to do with this. I will never laugh at someone for having the sniffles again! And my friend who always has the sniffle is currently laughing at me as I blow my nose. So that’s my question feel free to answer me in the comment section below, because I’m beginning to think there is so truth behind this whole ordeal.

Now that that has been settled let’s talk about the last couple days. Yesterday was a wonderful day, I woke up when I wanted too and I got to watch Supernatural all day… well not all day I had somewhere to be at 5:30. But until that point I could just lounge around all day and I did. I got through all of season 8 and started season 9! Then at 5:30 I had to leave to go to JC Penny’s with my mom so she could pick up her new shoes for Zumba, and I ended up getting a new pair of Nike’s too. They are a bright sky blue color with coral accents. Then after that we went to Zumba class for an hour which kicked my sick butt because I had a hard time breathing through the workout because of my nose being so stuffy. Thankfully I was able to make it through without too much difficulty, I did sit out one song just to catch my breath because I felt like I was going to pass out. After class was over my mom and I met my sister for dinner at Panera Bread because none of us had eaten dinner yet. We had a great time at dinner and my sister talked about all of the problems she has with her husband and we all listened and told her she was right no matter what. After dinner we came back home and I took a long and well deserved shower and then settled down on my couch to watch 19 Kids and Counting with my mom. Then not to long after that we all decided it was bed time and I got all snuggled up in my bed and fell asleep.

Then today I actually had somewhere to be so I had to make myself look presentable, got up around 10 and did my hair and makeup before making my way to the dentist. After 20 minutes of being stabbed in the gums by the dental hygienist the dentist came in and told me I needed to have another cavity filled. This kind of news is no longer new to me, every time I go to the dentist it seems that I have another cavity that needs to be filled. My dentist told me that it had nothing to do with my dental hygiene but it’s actually my teeth that are the problem, I have weak enamel and the way my teeth are shaped makes it very hard to reach all of the crevices which makes it hard to clean. All of those things add up to make me a cavity machine. It’s a struggle, so tomorrow morning I will be going to get yet another cavity filled. After leaving the dentist office I wanted to do something fun and since I cashed in all of my coins earlier that day I decided that I wanted to go to Ulta and buy an eye shadow palette that I have had my eye on for weeks. I drove across town and when I got there I was very disappointed to learn that they no longer had that one in stock. I decided to by a NYX palette while I was there and I would search for the TooFaced palette at Sephora which was just down the road. The NYX palette I got is called Stormy Skies and it is a part of their Dream Catchers collection. After making my purchase at Ulta I made my way to Sephora and they didn’t have the palette I was looking for either but they did have another one that I was interested in. I played with all of the colors and I decided that I would get that one instead. It’s the Too Faced Cat Eyes palette and then while I was there I picked up the Urban Decay Shadow Box palette as well. So my treat to myself for having to get another cavity filled was three eye shadow palettes and some Starbucks. Even though I’m pretty sure Starbucks is what got me into trouble in the first place, but a girl needs her caffeine. That wasn’t all for my day, after I got home I watched a few episodes of Supernatural before my mom came to get me and we went and got dinner at Chipotle. I could only chew on the left side of my mouth thanks to the rough work of the dental hygienist, but I enjoyed my burrito bowl just the same. After dinner we went to Dick’s Sporting Goods to get a beginners yoga DVD because my mom wants to learn yoga, and I wanted to get some tank tops to do Zumba in. I found 2 Reebok tank tops that have cute sayings on them, one is white and in black letters says “fearless, sweat more” and a blue one with yellow letters that says “do more of what makes you happy”. I love both of these and I can’t wait to wear them this week. The rest of the night was uneventful because I just watched Supernatural on my couch, and now I’m in my bed talking about becoming a vampire with my friend and compelling Luke Bryan to marry me and if I get Luke does that mean my friend gets Luke’s wife. It’s a very interesting conversation to be honest, but I need to get some sleep since I have to be up early and I’m sick! I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sixty Seven and Sixty Eight: 8 and 9 March 2015

Hi, Hello, How Are You?

So I’m in a wonderful mood and it’s been great to smile and laugh again. The last two days have been great, and I can’t wait to see what else happens this week.

Yesterday was Sunday and I decided that I would get up early and go to church with my mom. So I got up way too early and got myself together to go to church and I have to admit it was nice to see all of the people there. I haven’t seen them in so long and all of them told me how great I was looking, and then they asked about school. I was happy to talk to all of the wonderful people from there who have influenced me in my life. I then helped in the nursery during part of the service and played with all the babies. There was one little boy who the last time I saw him was a baby and now he is 2 and he is so cute! His mom was in there for a little bit and when she left, he freaked out and was crying. I was able to get him to come to me and he wanted me to hold him. Once I picked him up I was able to get him to stop crying and he just sat in my lap and we played with some toys before his mom came back in. She was shocked how he was so calm in my lap and she said that he never takes to other people like that. I was flattered that he was so comfortable with me and I should’ve known he would like me because his older brother was the same way with me. Then after church was over my mom and I decided to go to Olive Garden for lunch. We got seated right away and the food was delicious. Then after that we ran back home to change our clothes because we were going to go do yoga at my mom’s friend’s house. We got to her house and we did some P90X yoga which kicked our butts. After that we came home and took the dog on a walk. Then made dinner and then finally sat down to watch some TV. One of my favorite shows was coming on and I wanted to drink a glass of wine, so I got my wine out of the fridge and got my corkscrew out and as I was about to pull the cork out of the bottle the corkscrew snapped in half leaving the screw in the cork and I wasn’t able to open it. It took some work but my dad was able to make a corkscrew out of a screw and a hanger. I was able to pour myself a glass before the show even started! Then after that mom and I watched some more TV before going to bed. I didn’t go to bed for a while though I sent most of my night on the phone laughing hysterically, and it felt so good to be happy even if it was only for a few hours.

Then today I was able to finally to sleep in! I slept till 1:30 and it was awesome, when I woke up I felt so well rested. Then I have spent my entire day on my couch with my dog watching Supernatural. That is literally all I have done, and I don’t feel bad about it. I needed a day like this especially after the last few weeks of school, they have been kicking my butt. Although I did weight myself today and I am proud to say that I have lost 20 pounds in 2 months and I am slowly reaching my goal. I only have 80 more pounds to lose and I’m not giving up now! I’m gonna start working out more and exercising when I can throughout the week to keep fit. I reached a mile stone today and I couldn’t be happier, and I just hope this week keeps getting better.

I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Day Sixty Five and Sixty Six: 6 and 7 March 2015

Hey there my favorite people of the internet!

So it’s Saturday and that means I’m on spring break and I don’t have to deal with school for an entire week! And so far it’s turning out to be an amazing break.

Let’s start with Friday! So I spent the first half of my day in class and packing for break. In my first class I finally was able to give my speech on depression and I did very well and it seemed that a lot people were paying attention to what I was saying. Then after that I went back to my apartment and finished packing for break and I watched some YouTube videos to pass the time. Then my last class of the day was a waste of time, and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. When 1:50 finally came and I could leave, I bolted out of the classroom and I didn’t feel bad about it! I walked to my car as fast as I could and I drove myself home. I went straight to the wine store like I do every Friday afternoon, and when I was checking out the girl at the register had to call the manager over to check my ID because my hair was a different color from what it is in my ID picture… The manager looked at her funny and was like she probably dyed her hair and rolled her eyes at the cashier. Then after I got out of the wine store I made my way to Walmart and then I finally got to go home where I sat myself down with a glass of wine and watched Cruel Intentions. For dinner, I went to an Italian restaurant with my mom and the food was gross and the service sucked. I was disappointed that I spent my calories on that meal. The rest of the night was simple, I just watched movies with my mom and drank some more wine with my mom.

So for Saturday, I didn’t actually sleep in… I woke up early and went to Zumba with my mom and I had so much fun. I danced my butt off and jumped around and in the process I burned 1053 calories it was great. I’m going to go every week because I love how it made me feel and how it is going to help me lose weight. Then after Zumba, my mom and I went to Walmart to get things for dinner all week. Then we ran by my church so my mom could set up for church on Sunday. On our way back to my house, mom stopped off and got me Starbucks which made my entire day! Then I spent a good portion of my day laying on my couch watching Supernatural before I decided that I was going to cook dinner with my mom and we made lemon herb grilled chicken with roasted potatoes and broccoli. Then we watched movies and ate strawberries before it was time for bed. We lose an hour of sleep tonight and it is literally awful! I never get any sleep… and even over break I won’t get any.

So I don’t have much more to say other than that right now, and I will see y’all tomorrow! Have a great Sunday!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day Sixty Three and Sixty Four: 4 and 5 March 2015

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have had a wonderful week so far, I’m so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It’s been a very stressful week, I told y’all all of the assignments that I had to do from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday well my to-do list wasn’t done yet and I still had a lot of things to do for today and tomorrow too. With that being said lets jump into what happened on Wednesday!

Wednesday was the day that I had to present my speech to my public speaking class it is about the causes and effects of depression. I woke up early and got all dressed up for my speech and I even wore heels on a college campus covered in bricks. It was a struggle thankfully it was actually nice outside so I wasn’t freezing my toes off. So then I sat in class waiting for him to call my name to present and he never does because we ran out of time. I got dressed up and wore heels for nothing… I was so irritated. I immediately went back to my room and changed into my jeans and some boots because I was just too upset to stay all dressed up for no reason. Then after my second class of the day and on the way to my third I ran into someone who I never thought I would see back at my school because he graduated last year. It was really funny actually because I had to do a double take because I didn’t really believe he was there and he say me do it and later he called me out on it and told me how ridiculous I looked and I just laughed because I knew he was right. We talked for a few minutes and I joked on him for coming back to school just to visit a teacher and he told me to get over it and then I went to class and he went to talk to an old professor of his and I couldn’t resist the urge to tweet at him about how much I was still in shock about seeing him and we tweeted back and forth for a few minutes before I decided to pay attention in class and I thought that was it. Then after class I went back to my apartment to drop of my bag before going to work and then I went to work early so I could talk to my old roommate Courtney. Recently she has been working the same shift as me and it’s nice to be able to catch up with her. Then while I was at work the guy I ran into DM’d me on twitter and we continue to catch up for a few hours and had really good conversation and now I feel like we are more like friends than we were before. Then when I got back to my room after work, I attempted to get some homework done but it was pointless because I was so exhausted that I ended up going to bed super early. Even though I barely slept… insomnia sucks.

That brings me to today, I woke up at my normal time which is entirely too early for anyone to be awake. I got myself ready and I curled my hair like I usually do, and then when I sat down to do my makeup I must have zoned out when I put my eye shadow brush into the shadow because I picked the wrong color and I put it all over both eyelids before I realized what happened and I tried to fox the situation but it was not working so I ended up taking all of my makeup off and starting again. The second time I was able to get my life together and pick the right colors. Then after that was done I had to choose my outfit wisely because it was rainy and disgusting outside. I settled on my brown boots, my light wash jeans and a navy blue shirt with my pink fleece jacket. And after today I can safely say that I will be ordering a rain jacket this weekend because that was awful! I never want to wear my fleece jacket when it rains again. I was soaked and freezing all day at work, and I refuse to do that again. One good thing about my day was that my entrepreneurship professor bought us all McDonalds breakfast this morning and that was awesome. I haven’t eaten breakfast in so long! So then after that I got my pay check and that also made my day more enjoyable. Then after I got off work I ran to the store to pick up something for dinner and I grabbed a few pizzas that were on sale and I haven’t left my apartment since and that was around 3:30. I got right to work on homework and I even took a little 30 minute power nap before finishing a book I was reading for a book review for one of my classes. Once that was done and I turned in my outline for the chapters I read I did some other homework that didn’t take very long and then packed my bags for spring break, cleaned the kitchen, and then sat down to watch a Disney movie with Sarah. We watched Beauty and the Beast again because that is my favorite movie right now, and I’m taking it home with me for spring break that way I can watch it. I also got a surprise phone call from my niece today and she read me a poem for her class and it was about spring time and it was so cute to hear her read to me and I told her if it was possible that I might have to come and steal her away one day while I’m home for break.

Other than that nothing else has happened that is worth mentioning, so I will see all of you wonderful people later. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day Sixty One and Sixty Two: 2 and 3 March 2015

Hey There Everyone,

I hope y’all have had an amazing start to your week! Mine has been extremely busy and I am lucky to have made it through these last two days without dying.

Monday was probably the busiest day of all, I had so many assignments that I needed to get done that I was nauseous. I had to type up a health report and email it to my professor, study for a mid-term, do a very long assignment for one of my professors, make a PowerPoint presentation, and read a chapter in my textbook and take notes on it for class. All of this was due by midnight. Needless to say I didn’t do much yesterday other than homework. I ended up not going to my classes because of the amount of work that I needed to get done and on top of all of my assignments I had to go to work as well. The first thing I did was the longest assignment I had out of all of them, and it nearly took me 2 hours to compete plus it ended up being 4 pages long. Once that was submitted I got to work putting together the PowerPoint presentation for the same class I had just submitted the assignment for. That didn’t take too long thankfully, and then I was off doing the next thing on my very long to do list which was starting my health reports. I had to go to work before I could begin writing them so I took my laptop to work and spent the entire 2 hours working on my reports and studying for my midterm. Then by the time I was done with work I was exhausted and decided to order Chinese food for dinner for Sarah and I. So by the time I got back to my apartment all I had to do was eat my dinner and read my textbook. I was fortunate enough to be done with all of my work by 10pm which gave me a few hours to relax before it was time for me to go to bed.

The today I had my midterm for my 8am class and the test was so easy it only took me 10 minutes to complete it. Then I went to Food Lion to get coffee creamer because there was no way I was going to survive another day without caffeine. I got back to my apartment with an hour still to go before my next class so I lounged around on the couch and scrolled through Instagram and did a little beauty blogging. Then when it was an acceptable time to leave for class I made my way back to campus for my presentation. I was all dressed up in my nice black pants with my black boots and my wine colored button down shirt. My presentation was a hit and everyone liked my idea. My last class of the day was easy as always and then I was off to lunch with Sarah before work. I had a nice soup and salad combo before make my way to my car to exchange my book bag for my laptop bag so I could continue working on my to do list at work. I only had two things to do today but they were both fairly extensive. The first thing I got to work doing was revising my paper that was due tonight at Midnight. I had to completely rewrite the ending so that took some brain power. Then when that was done I got to work on my major assignment of the day which was to write a 5 minute long speech and make a PowerPoint presentation to go with it. It took me almost all day to complete it. I had to do my research and put all of it together in an outline before I could even think about making the presentation. I am giving a speech tomorrow on the causes of depression and the effects depression can have on a person’s life. It’s a subject that I near and dear to me so it wasn’t hard to do but I just wanted to make sure that I made it in the time required because it had to be at least 5 minutes long and I wasn’t about to lose points for something so simple. My speech ended up being 5 pages long and there are just as many sides. I avoided putting words on the slides because I didn’t want to be tempted to read off the screen. Luckily I was done with everything by 8:30 which gave me a chance to run through it and time myself. After giving my speech to Sarah I found out that if I read it word for word it would end up being 5 minutes and 30 seconds. I was thrilled to say the least. After I did that I printed out my outline and my speech and closed my laptop. I was done with everything in time to watch my Tuesday night TV shows, Sarah and I love watching 19 Kids and Counting followed by Our Little Family. We watch those shows every week and I was so glad that I was able to watch them tonight without having to do homework at the same time. Once our shows were over we made our way in to our respective rooms and went to bed earlier than we ever have before. I grabbed my speech and recited it to myself a few times before picking up my laptop and writing this post for y’all. Sorry that I have been struggling to blog lately, with it being the middle of the semester all of my teachers are handing out boatloads of assignments on a regular basis. Thankfully spring break starts on Friday so I will have a week to relax and get my life together.

That is all for now, and I will talk to y’all tomorrow hopefully!

Thanks for reading! Xoxo Lashleigh

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day Fifty Nine and Sixty: 28 February and 1 March 2015

Hello Party People!

I hope you all had a great end to the month of February, and a wonderful beginning to the month of March.

I often forget how short the month of February is, and I can’t believe how fast is flew by. It seems like only yesterday that I was dreading another month of existence and now I am looking forward to the month ahead. So much has happened over the last month and I can’t thank my family and friends for being there for me through it all. However on my last day if February 2015 I spent the day lounging around on the couch with my mother watching several movies that neither of us had seen yet. We started our movie marathon by watching The Fault in Our Stars which, if any of you have seen it you know, how truly beautiful and depressing it is. The love story between the two characters is one for the record books and the tragedy of having cancer at such a young age really pulls at the heart strings. My mom and I each went through a box of tissues watching this movie. If you haven’t seen it yet then you need to because it is that amazing. Then the next movie we watched is called Blended which is the new Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler movie and that was a good comedy to watch after crying my eyes out for 2 hours. I also highly recommend that movie as well. Then we ended up watching a movie that we had already seen just because it’s one of my favorites and it has Zac Efron in it so yeah… it’s called That Awkward Moment, and it’s hilarious I laugh every time I see it. Plus Zac is shirtless for a good portion of the movie and you can’t go wrong with a shirtless Zefron.

Over the month of February I have developed some new beauty favorites and because I’m obsessed with them I feel like y’all should know about them too. My first obsession from February is my Toni&Guy Casual Hair Spray. I use this every single day and it is the perfect daily hairspray because it’s not heavy and it’s not going to make your hair crunchy. My second obsession for the month is my NYX lipgloss in the color Beige, I have worn this almost every single day and I don’t think I will be giving it a rest any time soon. It’s just such a gorgeous pink and it’s not too bright or too dark so it can be worn for any occasion. My third obsession is my NYC nail polish in the color Wine. It’s a lovely cranberry color and its perfect for the winter months because it gives a great pop of color for any outfit. My fourth obsession of February is my Benefit Hervana blush. I’m pretty sure I wore it almost every single day because it gave my cheeks a bright flushed color and it made my skin look healthy while giving my cheeks a little color. My fifth obsession would have to be my Bioderma cleanser that I have been using every night to take my makeup off and that leads into my sixth obsession which is my Garnier gel moisturizer that I apply after I have cleansed with the Bioderma because the two products together leave my skin smooth, clean, and feeling great. My seventh obsession has to be my TooFaced Better Than Sex Mascara because I have worn it every day this month and it will be sticking around for months to come because I just love what it does to my lashes.  My eighth obsession isn’t a beauty item it’s actually a wine. I’m not a big alcohol drinker but on Valentine’s Day I tried this amazing wine from Olive Garden and I am obsessed with it. I have gone to Total Wine every weekend since then to pick up a bottle for my mom and me to share over the weekend. It’s sweet and bubbly and has a low alcohol concentration which makes it even better for me. With that I am done with my February obsessions.

Now let’s talk about March. Some fun holidays I want to share with you that I shall be observing this month are on the 1st is Jensen Ackles birthday, then on the 5th is National Multiple Personality Day, on the 9th is National Panic Day, the 17th is of course St. Patrick’s Day, the 20th is National Extraterrestrial Abductions Day, the 28th is National Something on a Stick Day, and finally the 30th is National Take a Walk in the Park Day. There are plenty more fun holidays to be observed throughout the month of March but these are a few that I think are extra special and deserve some attention.

Today was a normal Sunday for me, I woke up and got myself ready and packed my bag to head back to school. Then I ate leftovers for lunch before making my way to Wal-Mart. Once at Wal-Mart my day went a little crazy. I went there to pick up a medication but it wasn’t ready because they were out of stock and they won’t have any more until tomorrow so I have to wait for my mom to bring it down to me sometime in the next few days. Then after that my mom took me to Forever 21 because I needed some long socks to wear with boots and I know that Forever 21 has the one I was looking for. After buying $30 worth of socks we decided to go to Red Robin, which is right next door, for some appetizers and salads. We had a great time and once we were finished there it was time for me to head back to school. The drive didn’t take long and once I got back to school I unpacked and remade my bed because it was a hot mess. Then I did homework until 11:15 when I was finally done with everything I needed to worry about tonight and now here I am on my computer talking to y’all! One wonderful think about today is that Once Upon A Time came back on and the first episode was amazing and I’m so excited for this season! I can’t wait to see what happens to all of the villains and if they get their Happy Endings or not, I will just have to wait and see like the rest of the world!

Well I am going to head to bed now because I’m tired and I have a busy week ahead of me! I will fill y’all in more later! Have a wonderful Monday, well have as wonderful of a Monday as possible!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh