Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day One: 1 January 2015

Hello Everyone, 

It’s the first day of the New Year and it’s already off to a horrible start. I rang in the New Year with my family but I spent the first 20 minutes of 2015 crying my eyes out. The supposed love of my life broke up with me the day after Christmas, and I haven’t felt right since. I have been trying to be strong but some days are easier than others. I got a tattoo on the collarbone to remind myself that everything happens for a reason, and it does but I’m still hurt and confused as to why he all of a sudden decided he wasn’t in love with me anymore. It was hard to see my family so happy at midnight, hugging and kissing when I felt broken, hurt and betrayed. If you had asked me a week ago to picture that exact moment I would’ve said that at midnight I would be expecting a call from him and that we would laugh and talk and ring in the New Year and be happy. I never thought in a million years that my night would be the exact opposite. And now my family is on their way over to my parents’ house so we can all have dinner and celebrate the New Year yet again, and I'm not in a celebratory mood. I have to put on a fake smile and act like everything is alright as my family laughs and enjoys each other’s company. People keep telling me the pain will subside and everything will be okay, but I can’t do anything without thinking of him and how I wish he was here. It’s something I’m going to have to live with, but everything happens for a reason. Enough of the sad stuff… I’ve got a couple New Year’s Resolutions that I’d like to share. The first being that I want to finally lose weight, I’ve been trying for a while but this year I’m going to be serious about it. And the second is that I’m going to try and actually have fun and do what I want to do and not what someone else wants me to do. I’m going to flirt and laugh and be myself no matter what anyone has to say. I’m 21 years old I should be having fun, acting my age, and enjoying myself instead of being so serious all the time! So here’s to the first day of 2015!

Thanks for reading, xoxo Lashleigh

1 comment:

  1. First, it is a great courage to be smiling despite the pain you are feeling within...Yet, sometimes, the best option that is best left for us is to smile - to show that we are still capable of doing it in spite of what makes us feel down.

    Second, my friends have similar new year's reso with you..."to lose some weight" They weren't very serious last year' tried to be vegetarian, took less carbs yet ended to be eating always. They're still healthy this year and I love them...

    Third, do what will make you happy... it's the best rewards we can give ourselves. Though, remember to share that happiness to with others. Have fun!

    Finally, I am trying to update a blogpost about people who are up to the #365DaysChallenge so I shared some of your tweets here >>

