Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day Twenty-Two: 22 January 2015

Hello Everyone!

Let me start by saying I apologize in advance for the ranting I’m about to be doing, it’s been a rough day and I just need to vent. First of all, I need all the fake people to just go somewhere else. I’m so tired of having to deal with people who act certain ways to impress certain people it doesn’t make you cute, it makes you pathetic. Second all the hypocrites in the world can disappear too. If you are constantly contradicting yourself through words and actions you look like a fool and no one takes you serious. That and I can’t stand people who are lazy and flake on their responsibilities for dumb reasons. There have been so many people today that have just rubbed me the wrong way and its put me in an awful mood. Another thing that has pushed me over the edge today are people that ask you to do things for them and when you agree they completely exclude you from things but include other people who have nothing to do with the situation in the first place. I’m ready to call it quits and let someone else deal with them and their problems because I have a lot of better things I could do than waste my time waiting around for you and your people to acknowledge my presence. You only talk to me when you need something and that’s not okay with me anymore, I have too much on my plate to be dealing either that. People aare just so inconsiderate all the time and only think of themselves and its getting ridiculous, grow up people and get over yourselves! We are in college, stop acting like were in middle school again (no offense to middle schoolers out there). We are supposed to be mature adults and its time they start acting that way. Graduation gets closer and closer every minute and its coming whether you're ready or not. I know I’m prepared but as for some of my classmates I’m not so sure! I’ve just had the worst day and I’m sorry for the ranting but it needed to happen before I exploded! Thankfully I will be heading home tomorrow to spend some time with my mom and get away from this place because I am so tired of being here and being around the people on this campus! Graduation can’t come fast enough, I need to get away from all of this and start a new life. I don’t mean to offend anyone, this rant just pertains to the people I have to interact with on a regular basis at my university.

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh

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