Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight: 27 and 28 January 2015

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday wasn’t a normal Tuesday for me; I woke up way too early and had to go to class except this time it was snowing outside… I hate snow and I always have. I hate anything that’s cold and wet and comes from the sky to be honest. So it was an omen for how the day was going to be. It was freezing cold and I was covered in snow trying to get to my classes. Thankfully by the time I got to work around 1pm the snow had stopped and it was just cold instead of wet and cold. Before I clocked in at work I called my doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon for me to get back on my depression medication. I have been battling with myself over this decision over the last few weeks and I have decided that it’s the right thing to do for me. I can feel myself slipping into my depression and I don’t want to be that girl again. I wish I was strong enough to do it on my own but nothing I do can distract me long enough to stay happy. After work was over I came back to my apartment and watched more supernatural with my best friend before doing all of my homework and being productive. I got my work done so early that I was able to have cleaned the entire apartment and taken a shower by 7:30. Around 9pm she and I sat down to watch the new episode of Supernatural which had me so confused since I hadn’t seen the previous seasons but I watched it with her anyway. Then at 10 we watched My Big Fat Fabulous Life, this is now our Tuesday ritual. We went to bed early and for some reason I just couldn’t stay asleep which brings me to today. I woke up 6 times before my alarm went off between 5:40 and 7:45. It was awful I have been exhausted all day but I've had so much to do. I've had to make a presentation for tomorrow, figure out what I'm going to wear for the presentation, and begin reading a book for one of classes. The book I’m reading is written by Colin Powell and it’s actually a really good book and I'm glad I picked it. I have to have an outline of the first 9 chapters submitted tomorrow by 11:59pm. In the short amount of time I've been reading this book I've gotten through 4 chapters and I'm partially through chapter 5 so doing that shouldn’t be too difficult. I just have to stay on task tomorrow and hope nothing major happens. Thankfully it’s almost Friday so I can go home and relax after this week.

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh 

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