Friday, April 3, 2015

Day Eighty Nine Ninety and Ninety One: 30 March through 1 April 2015

Hey there everyone,

It has been a really hectic week, which is why I haven’t had time to blog about it. Between projects, papers, and tests I have barely had any time to do anything else. I had a project due on Tuesday, a test on Wednesday, and several assignments due on Thursday.

Monday was a busy day because I spent the entire day working on the project that was due Tuesday because not only was there a project to do but I also had to do a 20 question assignment for the same class. Then on Tuesday I spent the entire day studying for the essay test I had to do on Wednesday. Wednesday I actually got to take a small break because I only had to do a 20 question assignment.
As we all know Wednesday was the first day in April as well as April Fool’s Day, I never much cared for April Fool’s Day because I feel like it gives people an excuse to act like idiots all day because that is normally what happens.  However, like I do at the beginning of every month I’m going to tell you all some of my favorite random holidays in April. The first of them being on April 4th which is National Hug a Newsman Day. There is National No Housework Day on the 7th, National Golfer’s Day on the 10th, National Stress Awareness Day on the 16th, National Blah Blah Blah Day on the 17th, my personal favorite National Take A Chance Day on the 23rd, and last but not least National Kiss Your Mate Day on the 28th. This month is full of great random holidays, if you want to check some of them out follow this link to the website where I get all of my fun holidays.

So after my assignments were done on Wednesday I spent the rest if my day doing laundry and packing for the three day weekend. I haven’t done laundry in a couple of weeks and I was running out of socks, so while I was watching Supernatural I threw all of my clothes in the washer. Supernatural this week made me so happy because one of my favorite characters who died a few seasons back showed up. I was so excited I was smiling the entire episode! And Crowley, another one of the main characters finally got his life together and told his mom how he felt about her. Then after Supernatural, Sarah and I watched Gone in 60 Seconds, which is one of her favorite movies and I had never seen it before. The movie was great and I really enjoyed it! As the movie was finishing up I folded my laundry and packed a few of the things I just washed. I finished packing all of my belongings for the three day weekend. I will tell you all about Thursday and Friday in my next blog post!

Thanks for reading xoxo Lashleigh  

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