Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day Sixty One and Sixty Two: 2 and 3 March 2015

Hey There Everyone,

I hope y’all have had an amazing start to your week! Mine has been extremely busy and I am lucky to have made it through these last two days without dying.

Monday was probably the busiest day of all, I had so many assignments that I needed to get done that I was nauseous. I had to type up a health report and email it to my professor, study for a mid-term, do a very long assignment for one of my professors, make a PowerPoint presentation, and read a chapter in my textbook and take notes on it for class. All of this was due by midnight. Needless to say I didn’t do much yesterday other than homework. I ended up not going to my classes because of the amount of work that I needed to get done and on top of all of my assignments I had to go to work as well. The first thing I did was the longest assignment I had out of all of them, and it nearly took me 2 hours to compete plus it ended up being 4 pages long. Once that was submitted I got to work putting together the PowerPoint presentation for the same class I had just submitted the assignment for. That didn’t take too long thankfully, and then I was off doing the next thing on my very long to do list which was starting my health reports. I had to go to work before I could begin writing them so I took my laptop to work and spent the entire 2 hours working on my reports and studying for my midterm. Then by the time I was done with work I was exhausted and decided to order Chinese food for dinner for Sarah and I. So by the time I got back to my apartment all I had to do was eat my dinner and read my textbook. I was fortunate enough to be done with all of my work by 10pm which gave me a few hours to relax before it was time for me to go to bed.

The today I had my midterm for my 8am class and the test was so easy it only took me 10 minutes to complete it. Then I went to Food Lion to get coffee creamer because there was no way I was going to survive another day without caffeine. I got back to my apartment with an hour still to go before my next class so I lounged around on the couch and scrolled through Instagram and did a little beauty blogging. Then when it was an acceptable time to leave for class I made my way back to campus for my presentation. I was all dressed up in my nice black pants with my black boots and my wine colored button down shirt. My presentation was a hit and everyone liked my idea. My last class of the day was easy as always and then I was off to lunch with Sarah before work. I had a nice soup and salad combo before make my way to my car to exchange my book bag for my laptop bag so I could continue working on my to do list at work. I only had two things to do today but they were both fairly extensive. The first thing I got to work doing was revising my paper that was due tonight at Midnight. I had to completely rewrite the ending so that took some brain power. Then when that was done I got to work on my major assignment of the day which was to write a 5 minute long speech and make a PowerPoint presentation to go with it. It took me almost all day to complete it. I had to do my research and put all of it together in an outline before I could even think about making the presentation. I am giving a speech tomorrow on the causes of depression and the effects depression can have on a person’s life. It’s a subject that I near and dear to me so it wasn’t hard to do but I just wanted to make sure that I made it in the time required because it had to be at least 5 minutes long and I wasn’t about to lose points for something so simple. My speech ended up being 5 pages long and there are just as many sides. I avoided putting words on the slides because I didn’t want to be tempted to read off the screen. Luckily I was done with everything by 8:30 which gave me a chance to run through it and time myself. After giving my speech to Sarah I found out that if I read it word for word it would end up being 5 minutes and 30 seconds. I was thrilled to say the least. After I did that I printed out my outline and my speech and closed my laptop. I was done with everything in time to watch my Tuesday night TV shows, Sarah and I love watching 19 Kids and Counting followed by Our Little Family. We watch those shows every week and I was so glad that I was able to watch them tonight without having to do homework at the same time. Once our shows were over we made our way in to our respective rooms and went to bed earlier than we ever have before. I grabbed my speech and recited it to myself a few times before picking up my laptop and writing this post for y’all. Sorry that I have been struggling to blog lately, with it being the middle of the semester all of my teachers are handing out boatloads of assignments on a regular basis. Thankfully spring break starts on Friday so I will have a week to relax and get my life together.

That is all for now, and I will talk to y’all tomorrow hopefully!

Thanks for reading! Xoxo Lashleigh

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